Saturday 17 May 2008

Loh Mai Xiew Ngaab

(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.5 – March/ April 2002)
Recipe provided by Datuk Lim Bian Yam, The Master Of Chefs
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.

(1) 430g glutinous rice, wash and soak with water and 1 tbsp black soy sauce for 4 hours or overnight.
Drain and steam for 15 minutes. Marinade with 150-170g water and steam till tender. Cool.
(2) Season with: 1 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsps light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp V’sin.
Mix by hand to homogenise.
(3) Heat: 2 tbsps lard.
Add: 1 tsp Hua Tiaw wine.
Stir in: 1 pair blanched and cubed Chinese sausage till heated through. Blend in steamed and seasoned glutinous rice, fry to well mix.

(1) 230-280g boned meat of roasted duck, sliced.
Season meat with: ½ tsp five spice powder, 1 tsp salt, 1½ tbsp sugar, ½ tbsp black sauce, 1 tbsp lard, ½ tsp pepper, ½ tsp V’sin
(2) Blend in: 2-3 water chestnuts, cut match stick style.
(3) 5-6 fresh Shitake mushrooms, sliced and stirfried. Sandwich A & B, 3 layers pulut and 2 layers duck mixtures in a 20cm casserole dish.
Top with one layer of raw Shanghai flatcabbage ( xiao bai cai).
Steam for 15 minutes before serving.

In a bowl mix: 2 tbsps soy sauce, 1 tbsp black sauce, 1 tsp oyster sauce, ½ tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp sugar dissolve in 2 tbsps hot water, 3 tbsps lard.
Could garnish with chopped toasted groundnuts or raw pine nuts if desire.

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