Monday 26 May 2008

Sesame Chicken

(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.5 – March/ April 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.

1 chicken
2 tbsps sesame seeds
1 egg white

1 tsp five spices powder
1/2 tbsp salt
1 tsp chicken powder

Colouring Ingredients:
1 tbsp maltose
200ml vinegar
500ml water
1/4 tsp red food colouring

Spicy and Sour Sauce:
2 tbsps sour plum sauce
250ml warm water
2 red chillies (minced)
4 pips garlic (minced)
Some coriander (minced)

1. Mix well marinade. Rub the chicken with marinade internally and externally. Leave it for 1/2 hour.
2. Boil the colouring ingredients.
3. Bath the chicken continuously with no.(2) for 5 minutes. Dry in an airy place for 3 hours.
4. Spread a layer of egg white. Coat sesame seeds all over chicken skin. Bake at 250 degrees celsius for 45 minutes.
5. Slice whilst hot. Pour spicy and sour sauce over.

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