Tuesday 10 June 2008


(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.6 – May/ June 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.
1 fresh garoupa/sek pan fish (approximately 1kg)
20g black wood fungus, soaked
20g dried lily buds, soaked
30g black mushroom, soaked and shredded
10g old ginger, shredded
10g red dates, shredded
20g spring onions, cut into lengths
300ml superior stock
15g corn flour

50g oyster sauce
10g chicken stock powder
5g salt
2g sugar

1. Place cleaned garoupa fish on an oval plate. Set aside.
2. Heat oil in wok, stir-fry mushrooms, ginger and red dates till fragrant.
3. Add superior stock and oyster sauce.
4. Simmer for approximately 2 minutes.
5. Add in spring onions.
6. Add in superior stock powder, salt, sugar. Thicken with corn flour.
7. Pour sauce over fish and steam approximately 10 minutes, garnish and serve hot.

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