Wednesday 18 June 2008

Roganjosh Kashmiri (Red Lamb Curry)

(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.6 – May/ June 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.

500g lamb leg (boneless, cut into pieces)
120g onions (cubed)
100g tomatoes (cubed)
30g ginger (grinded)
30g garlics(grinded)
100g corn oil
200g yogurt
Some water

10g cinnamon sticks/ kayu manis
10g cardamon/ buah pelaga
5g Indian bay leaves/ daun salam
50g turmeric powder/ kuntyit powder
50g chilli powder
50g cumin seeds powder/jintan putih powder
50g coriander seeds powder/ketumbar powder
Salt to taste
1. Heat the corn oil in a wok. Saute onion, cinnamon,cardamon and bay leaves.
2. Add in ginger and garlic paste.
3. Add in lamb and salt. Keep stirring for 15 minutes.
4. Add in remaining spices,yogurt and water.
5. Add in tomatoes and simmer for 45 minutes. Serve with Kesari Kashmiri Pulao (Fragrant Rice).

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