Saturday 26 July 2008

Pickled Ginger, Green Chillies & Papaya

(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.8 – Sept/ October 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.
Pickled Ginger
250g young ginger (sliced thinly)
1 tbsp salt
150ml vinegar
150ml water
8 tbsps sugar
1. Marinate ginger with salt for 1 hour. Squeeze off excess liquid.
2. Bring the seasoning to a boil. Set aside to cool.
3. Put ginger into a glass jar. Add in seasoning. Marinate for at least 3 days before serving.
Serve with century egg slices or hard-boiled egg slices.
Pickled Green Chillies
15-20 green chillies (sliced)

Seasoning A:
500ml water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar

Seasoning B:
150ml vinegar
150ml water
1/2 tsp salt

1. Bring seasoning A to a boil. Turn off heat. Blanch chillies for 2 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool.
2. Bring seasoning B to a boil. Turn off heat and set aside to cool.
3. Put green chillies into a glass jar. Add in (2). Seal the jar. Serve the following day.

Normally served as a condiment doused with soy sauce for noodles.

Pickled Papaya
1 green papaya (unripe)
1 tbsp salt
2 red chillies (sliced)
300ml vinegar
300ml water
10 tbsps sugar
1. Cut papaya into 1 inch thick slices. Cut each piece into fan shaped-like. Marinate with salt for 1 hour till soft. Squeeze off excess liquid.
2. Bring the seasoning to a boil. Set aside to cool.
3. Put papayas and chillies into a glass jar. Add in seasoning. Marinate for 2 hours before serving.

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