Tuesday 8 July 2008

Pumpkin Kumara Soup

Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.
450g pumpkins (cut into ½ inches cubes)
80g sweet potatoes (cut into ½ inches cubes)
2 pieces deep-fried beancurds (cut into slices)
60g glass noodles (soaked till soft)
4 pips garlic (minced)
5 tbsps spring onions (minced)
1 red chilly (minced)
250ml coconut milk
¼ cup toasted groundnuts (ground coarsely)
2 tbsps minced coriander leaves
1.7L water

3 pieces chicken cubes
Salt to taste

For garnishing:
3 stalks spring onion (diced finely)

1. Bring the water to a boil. Add in kumara (sweet potatoes). Simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Add in pumpkin cubes, garlic, chilly and spring onions. Boil for 5 minutes.
3. Before serving, add in glass noodles, beancurds, coconut milk and coriander. Bring the mixture to a slow boil and turn off heat.
4. Add in groundnuts and stir well. Scoop into serving bowls. Sprinkle some spring onions.

Tips: Throughout the wholecooking process, there is no need to cover the pot. This Vietnamese dish is appetizing and nutritious. Sweet potatoes are known as Kumara.

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