Friday 18 July 2008


(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.7 – July/ August 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.
Ingredient A:
250g high protein flour
2 tbsps sugar
2 tbsps milk powder
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp bread improver
1/2 tsp salt

Ingredient B:
150ml water
1 tbsp instant yeast

Ingredient C:
10 sausages
300g grated Mozzarella cheese
1 egg (beaten)
1 bowl mixed peas
Chilli sauce (optional)
Tomato sauce (optional)
Mayonnaise (optional)

1. Mix well ingredient B. Put ingredient A into a food processor. Gradually add in ingredient B. Beat for 7-8 minutes.

2. Remove the dough from food processor. Divide into 50g portions. Roll into balls and cover with a piece of cling film. Let it proof for 10 minutes.

3. Roll out the doughs into 5 inches diameter.
4. Place in a piece of sausage to each piece of dough and roll up. Put onto a baking tray.

5. Snip with a pair of scissors as shown above. Press to the left and the right sides lightly. Leave the last 1cm uncut.

6. Let it proof for 30 minutes. Brush a layer of egg fluid on the surface.

7. Spread some mixed peas onto them, follow by grated cheese.

8. Preheat oven at 120¢J . Put in baking tray. Bake for about 10 minutes till the bread turns golden brown.
Brush a layer of butter on the surface of bread. Pipe on some chilli sauce, tomato sauce and mayonnaise if desired.

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