Friday 22 August 2008

Pizza Rolls

Recipe from Y3K Recipes issue no.20 (Sept/ Oct 2004)

Copy right of Y3K Recipes. All Rights reserved.

1 package of sliced white bread (trimmed off skins)
Some cucumber & tomato slices
2 pips garlic (minced)
3 tbsps Mozarella cheese (grated)

350g chicken breast meat or drumstick meat (minced)
1 small can of pineapple rings (diced)
1/2 rice bowl of canned button mushrooms (sliced)

1 tsp salt
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tbsps tomato paste
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp Oregano powder
For coating: (mixed together)
1 tbsp flour
1 tbsp water
1. Marinate chicken meat for one hour.
2. Heat up a tablespoon of oil to saute garlic and marinated chicken meat. Stir very well, add in seasoning and adjust taste.
3. Add in diced pineapple and sliced mushrooms. Stir-well, leave it to cool. Add in the cheese and mix together.
4. Cut bread pieces into two each. Place in no.(3) as a filling. Roll it up tight and seal edges with the coating. Repeat with the rest of the bread & ingredients.
5. Heat up a pot of oil to deep-fry bread rolls till golden. Serve with cucumber and tomato slices. Tomato and chilly sauces are wonderful as dips.
1. Remember to deep-fry rolls in boiling oil. If oil is not hot enough, the bread will soak in the oil, making it a soggy roll.
2.Use a pair of wooden chopsticks to turn rolls around, to get an even colour.
3. There is no need to roll the bread flat as a rougher texture is nicer for this particular recipe.

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