Wednesday 24 September 2008

Traditional Chicken Curry with Roti Jala

(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.9 – Nov/ Dec 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.
6 chicken legs (chop into 3 pieces each)
170g onions (processed)
6 pips garlic (pounded)
425-570ml water
50ml diluted coconut mlk
100ml concentrated coconut milk
600g potatoes (cut into wedges)
110g oil
2 star anise/ bunga lawang
2 cinnamon barks/ kayu manis
2 lemon grass/ serai (smashed)
Curry ingredients:
6 tbsps curry powder
8 tbsps water
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp salt
1. Heat up oil. Sauté lemon grass for 1 minute over high heat. Add in star anise and cinnamon barks. Add in onions. Fry over medium heat till fragrant. Add in garlic and fry for another 1 minute.
2. Add in curry ingredients. Sauté over low heat for 3 minutes till oil surfaces.
3. Add in chicken. Cook meat thoroughly.
4. Add in water and diluted coconut milk. Bring it to a boil.
5. Add in potatoes, simmer till soft.6. Add in concentrated coconut milk. Add seasoning to taste. Simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Serve with roti jala.

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