Wednesday 15 October 2008


(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.10 – Jan/ Feb 2003)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.

700g vegetarian squid (cut into pieces)
20g dried chillies (cut into pieces)
50g green bell peppers (cut into pieces)
10g young ginger (sliced)

Seasning: mix together
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsps dark soy sauce
1 tsp light soy sauce
2 tbsps paprika (optional)
2 tbsps tomato sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tsps pepper
1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
2 tbsps chilli boh/ chilli giling
1 tbsp black vinegar
120ml water

For thickening: mix well
1 tbsp tapioca flour
A little water

For ganishing:
50g cashew nuts (deep-fried)

1. Heat wok with a little oil and sauté dried chillies till fragrant. Add in the rest of ingredients, stir well. Put in the seasoning and thicken it.
2. Dish out above onto a plate. Sprinkle cashew nuts on top.

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