Tuesday 5 January 2010

The ABC of Gout Attacks 尿酸与痛风

The ABC of Gout Attacks
By Dr. Chong Fee Lan

Gout is caused by an abnormally high amount of uric acid. Gout patients have either too much uric acid formed or it is inadequately excreted. Normally, a person with raised level of uric acid may suffer from an acute attack of gout if the uric acid is deposited in the joints, skin or kidneys.

In chronic cases of gout, crystals of uric acid salts settle in joints and the cartilage of bone ends. But the other most common cause is the filtering process of the kidneys become rather inefficient at getting rid of the uric acid. This results in very painful inflammation of the big toe or joints. Certain foods rich in purines will produce uric acid (after digestion) like offals, red meat, lentils, beans, seafood produce and best avoided consuming them in large amounts. It is best to seek treatment quickly during an acute attack. Patients who suffer frequent gout attacks need long-term treatment.

Although soy beans may be high in purines but processed bean food like dried taukwa or soy bean milk can have reverse roles if taken in moderation. It may help the gut and kidneys to excrete excess uric acid so that the level in the body remains constant. But a food 'binge' on chicken drumsticks, chicken breasts and certain seafood can temporarily decrease the power of the kidneys to flush out the excess uric acid.

As gout is connected to food rich in purines (usual cases apart from congenital conditions) a healthy diet can play its part. It is also known to strengthen the rejuvenation system in order to reduce gout attacks.

Note: Gout sufferers should also stay away from mushrooms, ham choy, bamboo shoots, kang kong, ducks, crabs, big prawns, sotong.

Following is a feedback of a reader from Australia about GOUT:

From: Stevia Chai-Yuen Loh
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 14:50:07 +1100
Subject: Celery Keeps Gout at Bay

Hi Richard,
Thanks for the invitation for the face book. I don't have an account with face book, maybe later.
I went into your free recipes section and read the article about gout. A few years ago my husband had gout
and he claim that it's the most painful pain in the whole wide world (the world most low pain tolerance guy).
I understand it is painful, anyway that's him. I read a book written by a western herbalist, he also has the gout
problem and he try celery and celery seed tablet and found that he could eat and drink alcohol in moderation as
he likes. I bought a bottle of celery seed tablet from the supermarket and let my husband try it. To our surprise
his gout went away and didn't return, touch wood (a thing to say when you hope sickness or bad things don't return
in the western world because ancient time they thought God live inside the tree. So by saying this you touch God.)
Westerners are also very superstitious like we Asian too. If you eat just celery it has to be in huge quantity, so celery
seed tablets just take 3 a day when the pain is there. Then 2 or just 1 to keep it at bay, there no harm trying because
it is a natural product, not a chemical. I write this because I thought you might be interested.
Coming back to the recipe books I bought from you, those recipes I've tried are wonderful, especially the
new year cookies from Alan Ooi (I think that's his name). Just baked 2 batches of kuih bahulu and 2 batches of almond
cookies yesterday. Thanks, Got to go now.
Wishing you and your family "A healthy and Prosperous Chinese New Year" and also your publication
"The Very Best For All The Years To Come"

C Y Loh
Down Under

Thanks Loh!!



尿酸盐沉积的原因一是尿酸产生过多,二是尿酸排泄减少。前者主要包括某些酶的缺乏,引起细胞中核酸大量分解的疾病,饮食中富含嘌呤的食物如内脏、瘦肉、豆类、海产品过多等,后者主要是一些肾脏疾病引起。 痛风的治疗急性期要控制或终止急性发作;恢复期要通过抑制尿酸生成和促进尿酸排泄防止再发作,晚期要结合手术治疗,刮除痛风石,重建关节功能。


痛风病人饮食方面要避开高嘌呤食物,只食用低嘌呤食物。 另一方面要加强新陈代谢的功能, 使体内尿酸尽量排出体外。 以下药膳可酌情选用。



Bai Jie Zi Lotus Seed Wai San Kuih

Ingredient A:
5g bai jie zi powder
100g lotus seeds powder
250g rice flour
100g plain flour
1500ml water

Ingredient B:
4 shallots (sliced)

Ingredient C:
200g fresh wai san (peeled, diced)
100g red dates (deseeded, diced)
5g dried tangerine peel (soaked, shredded)

1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp salt
1 1/2 tbsps sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp pepper

Some spring onions (diced)
Some red chillies (diced)

1. Combine ingredient (A). Stir till it is free of lumps.
2. Heat a wok with 4 spoons of oil. Saute ingredient (B), add in ingredient (C) and seasoning, fry well and pour in no. (1), cook till it reaches a thick consistency.
3. Pour no. (2) into a clingwrap lined 9" square tin, steam over medium heat for 50 minutes or till cooked through.
4. Cool no. (3) well, slice and garnish, serve 100g as breakfast daily.

Disclaimer: The treatment claims here are not meant as total prescription for any specific illness but offered for information only. Check with a doctor to see the underlying problem first.

Herbal Properties: Restores vitality, expels phelgm, relieves numbness, relieves gout pains.







1. 将(A)料拌匀至无颗粒,待用。
2. 镬里热4汤匙油爆香(B)料,加入(C)料及调味料炒匀,倒入(1)煮至浓稠。
3. 将(2)倒入铺了保鲜纸的9寸方模内,以中火蒸50分钟或熟。
4. 取出待凉后切块装饰享用,每次100克作早餐用。


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