Friday 20 June 2008

Norwegian Salmon Tikka with Chilli Chutney

(From Y3K Recipes Issue No.6 – May/ June 2002)
Copyright of Y Three K Publisher. All rights reserved.
300g Salmon fillet
25g mustard
10g grounded black pepper
10g white pepper
10g turmeric powder
1 lemon (squeeze juice)
30ml olive oil
50g roasted chickpea flour/ besan flour
5g fresh dill (chopped)
Salt to taste

1. Clean and wipe dry fish fillet. Marinate with marinade for 1 hour.
2. Grill the fillet over low heat till medium cooked.
3. Serve with masala relish and chutney.
Masala Relish
20g tomatoes
10g garlic
5g mint leaves
10g shallots
30ml olive oil
5g chat masala
5g ground black pepper
5g salt
1. Blend tomatoes, garlic, mint leaves and shallots.
2. Heat wok. Add in olive oil. Add in (1) and simmer till fragrant.
Chilli Chutney
100g red chillies
100g dried chillies (soaked)
20g garlic
20g ginger
3 lemons (squeeze juice)
Salt to taste
30g sugar
40ml corn oil
1. Blend chillies, dried chillies, garlic and ginger. Add in lemon juice, salt and sugar. Mix well.
2. Heat wok and add in corn oil. Saute (1) and bring to a boil.

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