
Depression Patients Need Support From Family
By Doctor of Chinese Medicine - C M Dr. Allen K.M. Pang (Tel: 6012-3320445)
☆ Medical Advisor of Xiamen Ren De Hospital
☆ Regional Representative of Nanjing TCM University
☆ President of SEL & KL Association of China Graduated Chinese Physicians
☆ Guest Lecturer of Hong Kong Wah Ha TCM College
☆ Director Jiangxi TCM University Malaysia Tutoring Centre
☆ Vice Chairman (Overseas) of Xiamen TCM & Medicine Promoting Association. )
Depression is the blue period in which a person's health, psychological feelings, moods take a dip, sometimes declining to a state in need of medical help. Early warning signals depressed moods, loosing interest at all angles, general physically unwell, no appetite. This illness does not occur overnight but normally starts with being unable to sleep well. In today's competitive world, stress builds up at work and home and depression can be a hidden factor leading to cardio attacks. Serious trouble begins when depression victim starts to feel unworthy, looses interest and enjoyment of everyday living. He or she becomes highly suspicious of friends speaking bad about him or her. Complaints of physical pains becomes real. Nervous breakdown can occur or the state-of-mind gets confused. Memory takes a decline, headaches set in. Appetite becomes poor, the victim feels lazy and can extend the unhappy mood to the home, family or work place. Feelings of being rejected can contribute to a suicidal feeling. The depressed are often apathetic so they are often not interested in seeking professional help. It is also often that others think that is only a behaviour of the victim and not an illness that needs to be treated. Only a handful victims seek medical advice. This is a real illness which do not subside on its own.
The adrenal glands are located immediately above the kidneys. They are vital for the body's function to cope with stress. Today, the stresses we face are as likely to be psychological as physical but either way, the body has the same physical reaction. Personality of certain traits can become exaggerated and cause unhappiness. Reactive depression describes the serious aspects of feeling really unhappy thus, this is an illness and needs treatment.
Below are certain foods which may help with the crippling tension:
1. Deep-sea fishes: Omega-3 found in fish belongs to the class of nutrients called essential fatty acids. It may help with improving the nervous system and functions as an antioxidant.
2. Bananas- contain pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Important for proper function of the brain and make red blood cells.
3. Grapefruit- contain vitamin C which is an ascorbic acid. It helps to fight stress, also an essential vitamin for blood vessels and aids healing.
4. Wholegrain bread contains carbohydrate, required for making red blood cells.
5. Chinese spinach or por choy- this leafy green has good folic acid vital for normal formation of red blood cells.
6. Cherries- has a certain nutrition vital to promote a healthy immune system.
7. Garlic- it has been found that patients with anxiety stress when after consuming a large amount of garlic become less anxious and less fatigue.
8. Pumpkin- contains vitamin B6 and converts blood sugar into glucose for brain function.
9. Low fat milk- has good source of calcium, much needed to regulate nerves or for blood clotting.
10. Chicken meat- has selenium essential for proper mental function.
Chinese Medication:
Generally the Chinese physician treats depression focusing upon the three major organs of the liver, spleen and heart. Most treatments centre around acupunctures, herbal drinks, massages and acupressure being used to treat depressed patients. Apart from medical treatment, support and understanding from family and friends can help the patient to recover well.
东方中医药进修学院院长 -- 彭国民中医师 (Tel: 6012-3320445)
☆ 廈门仁德医院医学顾问
☆ 南京中医药大学国际教育学院马来西亚招生主任
☆ 雪隆留华中医师公会会长
☆ 香港华夏国际中医学院客座教授
☆ 江西中医学院马来西亚教学主任
☆ 廈门中医药促进会副会長(海外)
忧 郁症或抑郁症,是一种涉及生理、心理、情绪和思想的疾病,并伴有相应思维和行为异常的一类精神障碍的疾病。主要表现有心境抑郁、悲观失望、兴致丧失、精力 减退和行动迟缓,其中以心境抑郁为核心症状。忧郁症发病常缓慢起病,往往先有失眠,食欲不振以及各种躯体不适感。忧郁症的产生除了与大脑某部分缺损有关, 还与社会竞争激烈,生活、工作压力大关系密切。忧郁症目前是仅次于心脏病的第二号杀手,而忧郁症也是导致心脏病其中一个原因。
忧郁症患者 出现沮丧、忧伤、自卑、对日常活动兴趣显著减退甚至丧失等症状。容易怀疑别人说自己的坏话,怀疑自己的健康出现问题因而产生神经衰弱的症状,如精神疲乏、 反应迟钝、注意力不集中、记忆力下降、工作学习不能持久,头痛、食欲不振、懒散等等。凡此种种,都使得忧郁症患者活得十分痛苦及不开心。严重的患者还会有 厌世的念头。患有忧郁症的人多半很少求助于医生,因为人们普遍认为忧郁症是一种个人缺点,而患者也认为随时间流逝,忧郁症的症状便会消失,或者他们无助得 无法向他人求助。因此,只有少数忧郁症患者能得到适当的治疗。忧郁症是真正的疾病,并不是个性软弱,也不会自己消逝。辨别忧郁症非常重要,同时也要鼓励患 者寻求治疗。
造成忧郁症的原因很多。一般认为血清素和正肾上腺素是导致忧郁症的关键物质。研究指出,这两种化学元素都会影响一个人的情 绪。另一项诱因是病患的心理因素,如个性、人格发展、价值判断标准。一个人的性格会影响平时的情绪,如果他总是以负面的角度看世界,遭遇挫折时,过度自 责,就容易产生忧郁的心情。这也是自我要求求高或完美主义者,多为忧郁症的好发族群。另外研究亦发现色氨酸摄入量低,亦是诱发本病的重要原因。 因而食疗对本病有辅助治疗作用。
一、 深海鱼:海鱼中的Omega-3脂肪酸与常用的抗抑郁药,如碳酸锂有类似作用,能增加 血清素的分泌量。
二、 香蕉:香蕉含有可帮助大脑制造血清素的色胺酸和维生素B6。
三、 葡萄柚:葡萄柚里高含量的维生素C不仅可以维持红细胞的浓度,使身体有抵抗力,而且可以抗压,是制造肾上腺素重要成分之一。
四、 全麦面包:碳水化合物可以帮助增加血清素。
五、 菠菜:研究发现缺乏叶酸会导致脑中的血清素减少,而菠菜含丰富叶酸。
六、 樱桃:樱桃中有一种叫做花青素的物质,能够制造快乐。 科学家认为,人们在心情不好的时候吃20颗樱桃比吃任何药物都有效。
七、 大蒜:一项针对大蒜的研究发现,焦虑症患者吃了大蒜制剂后,会感觉不那么疲倦和焦虑,也不容易发怒。
八、 南瓜:南瓜富含维生素B6和铁,这两种营养素能把体內的血糖转变成葡萄糖供大脑使用。
九、 低脂牛奶:研究发现钙能消除紧张、暴躁或焦虑。低脂牛奶中含有很多的钙。
十、 鸡肉:鸡肉富含硒,硒能改善患者的烦躁情绪。
中医学把抑郁症归入郁证的范畴,主要病因为 肝失疏泄、脾失健运、心失所养,虽然肝、脾、心三个脏腑皆有相关,但各有侧重。肝气郁结多与气、血、火相关,而食、湿、痰主要关系于脾,心则多表现为虚 证,如心神失养、心血不足、心阴亏虚等,也有一些属于正虚邪实,虚实夹杂的证候。抑郁症初病在气,久病及血,故气滞血瘀的证候在临床上十分多见,抑郁症日 久不愈,往往损及脾、肾,造成阳气不振、精神衰退证候。
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