Ingredient A:
150g cream cheese
300g butter
40g caster sugar
Ingredient B:
15 egg yolks (270g)
400g dragon fruit jam
Ingredient C:
100g Hong Kong flour or superfine flour
40g greenpea flour
Ingredient D:
5 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
40g caster sugar
Ingredient E:
Few drops of pink colouring
Utensil needed:
4 pairs of wooden chopsticks
1. Beat ingredient (A) till fluffy. Add in ingredient (B), beat well.
2. Fold in ingredient (C), in small batches.
3. In a clean mixing bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar. Add in sugar, little by little till soft peaks form. Fold into no.(2) to form a batter.
4. Divide no.(3) into two parts. Add ingredient (E) to one part and subdivide into six equal parts, another part remain uncoloured subdivide into five equal parts.
5. Grease and line an 8?square cake tin. Grill layer by layer alternating batter in a preheated oven at 170 degrees Celsius. Grill each layer for five minutes.
6. The pattern for layering :
1st layer - pink batter.
2nd layer - uncoloured batter and arrange chopsticks in straight lines. Grill till golden, remove chopsticks. Repeat with pink batter.
7. Repeat above steps and arrange chopsticks for every layer, except the lowest and the top layers of the cake.
To view contents of Y3K Cookbook Vol. no.12 "MALAYSIAN LAYERED CAKES"
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