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This is a multi-purpose sambal, a good condiment for noodle dishes and is a good filling for sandwiches topped with sliced cucumber pieces.
250g dried shrimps (soaked, drained, minced)
150g shallots (pounded)
100g garlic (pounded)
1 tbsp assam paste (dissolved in 200ml water)
1 small piece belachan (toasted)
40-60 pieces dried chillies (soaked, deseeded, pounded)
4 pieces cardamon/ buah pelaga
200ml oil
4 tbsps sugar
2 tsps salt
A few limau kasturi/ small local limes juice (optional)
1. Heat up 120ml oil. Stir-fry minced dried shrimps over medium heat till golden and fragrant. Dish up and set aside. Wash the wok.
2. Heat up another 80ml oil in wok. Saut?shallots. Add in garlic.
3. Add in cardamons and belachan. Mix well. Add in dried chillies, stir-fry for 5 minutes till oil surfaces.
4. Add in seasoning and assam paste solution, mix well. Add in (1), mix well and dish up.
5. When it has cooled, put sambal into a jar. Before serving, it is optional to add in lime juice.
Tips: You may add in an extra 500ml of water in step (4) if you prefer sambal to be moist.
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